The perfect workplace or commercial installation

  • From 1 to 100 electric vehicle charge points
  • Tailor made solutions for your business, car park, customer and staff
  • Fully communicating with smart charging to monitor usage by individual
  • Load balancing so no effect on buildings electricity
  • OLEV grants available to Businesses
  • AC an d DC Charging units
  • Set your chosen customer price
  • Fleet Solutions
  • Free’ charging for staff/visitor

The Ecotap Load balancer ensures that your Electric Car always makes optimum use of the available power at all times.

Smart Charging Smart power distribution between the two sockets.

  • Optimized and dynamic loading process

Smart Grid

Smart power distribution between switched Ecotap charging stations.

  • Minimum current, maximum number of charging points
  • Optimized and dynamic charging process
  • Master-Slave configuration (Master monitors set connection value)
  • Future-oriented: expansion of number of charging points is possible.
  • Price-friendly installation

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